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Major upgrade to Dr Peter Topham Pool underway

Major upgrade to Dr Peter Topham Pool underway
4 October 2023

Filtration works will commence in October at the Dr Peter Topham Memorial Swimming Pool.

A major upgrade to the Dr Peter Topham Swimming Pool outdoor 50m pool will soon be underway.

Contractor Aquatic Services WA has won the tender to upgrade the pool’s filtration system with works expected to start in early October.

The much loved community asset’s system was in need of the upgrades to maintain water quality for community health.

Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said he is excited by the appointment and pleased to see the prompt commencement of works.

“An issue with the filtration system was identified a few months ago and we’re grateful to be in a position to take action immediately ensuring community health safety,” he said.

“I want to thank all pool users for their patience and understanding while we get these works done.”

The upgrades are expected to delay the opening of the facility for the 2023-24 summer season until mid-December.

Harvey Swimming Club training sessions are being accommodated at the Leschenault Leisure Centre.

Stay up-to-date with the proposed reopening of the Dr Peter Topham Memorial Swimming Pool by visiting harvey.wa.gov.au.

Frequently Asked Questions

What works are being completed?

The existing filtration system failed during the previous season and was no longer compliant, operating at a reduced flow. The works will replace the two filters, with three new ones and upgrade the associated pipework.

How long will it take and when will the pool open?

The works are currently scheduled for completion and commissioning in the first week of December. With satisfactory Health Department approvals, the pool should open before Christmas 2023.

Why was the work not completed earlier?

The filtration system started to show signs of failure toward the end of the last season. Investigative works were carried out after the pool closed for the season to determine the extent of damage and to provide an assessment and indicative budget to repair. The report indicated a complete replacement was necessary, requiring new design specifications. Council approved the works to be included in the 2023-24 budget. A tender request initiated and awarded by September 2023.

Will there be a discounted season pass?

Yes, a pro-rata rate will be applied for the season pass, once the opening date is established.

Are there still going to be swimming lessons?

Vacswim (The Education Department Vacation Swimming Program) will go ahead as scheduled. 3 to 12 January and 15 to 25 January 2024.

Enrolments are completed online https://apps.det.wa.edu.au/sws/api/cms?p=75357887&m=0  and close 26 October 2023


March 2023

During the last month of the season, an algal bloom became evident in the pool requiring staff to scrub the pool surface daily to remove the algae. This indicated reduced flow and efficacy of disinfection and filtration systems.

  • 29 March 2023 – a large eruption of sand from the water return lines to the pool was noticed. This was a blockage in the main return line that eventually cleared.
April 2023
  • 3 April 2023 – Filters were emptied and internal pipework was exposed, revealing the extent of the damage to filter laterals - the cause of the sand in the return water pipework.
  • 21 April 2023 – Representatives from Chadson Granular Filters (CGF) attended site and confirmed filters were at the end of life (internal delamination of fibreglass evident).
    CGF were asked to provide specifications for replacements. A budget estimate was sourced form a certified contractor for the works.
  • 28 April 2023 – Specifications for filters received.
May 2023

Budget estimate included in 2023-24 capital works program for Council approval.

August 2023
  • 8 August 2023 – Council budget adopted.
  • 9 August 2023 – RFQ initiated.
  • 18 August 2023 – RFQ was advertised.
September 2023
  • 1 September 2023 - RFQ closed.
  • 7 September 2023 – Letter of Award sent to successful contractor and filters ordered (8-10 weeks manufacture time).
Circa November 2023
  • 20 November 2023 – Mobilisation to site, decommission, removal and disposal of old filters (2 days).
  • 23 November 2023 – Installation of new filters, filter media and pipework (4 days).
  • 27 November 2023 – Recommissioning of plant. Start of season opening procedures commence (2 weeks).
Circa December 2023

15 – 18 December  2023 – Sample water to be taken. Pool can open once satisfactory microbiological results are received from the Department of Health.