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April to June 2023 Walking Group Dates

April to June 2023 Walking Group Dates
29 March 2023

Check out the dates and locations for the Australian Heart Foundation Walking Group for April to June 2023.

The Australian Heart Foundation Walking Group will be meeting at various locations from April to June 2023.

All walkers are encouraged to meet at 9am for an 9.15am start (unless another time is noted).

Please bring water bottles, hats and walking poles, if required.

April 2023 Dates:

  • 4 April - Meet in the carpark nearest to the gazebo at Lucy Victoria Avenue for a walk along the Collie River. BYO mugs. Toilets accessible at children's playground.
  • 11 April - Meet at Maidens parking area for a walk following Ray through The Maidens. BYO mug. Please feel free to bring along your grandkids for a fun walk.
  • 18 April - Details to be confirmed. Either an Autumn Leaves Vineyard Tour with Mary followed by wine tasting and a light lunch or a Harvey Mural Walk followed by lunch at Stirling Cottage Gardens.
  • 27 April - Fee's Field, Cathedral Avenue. BYO mugs. Toilets available.

May 2023 Dates:

  • 2 May - Details to be confirmed. St Aidans or Harvey Walk
  • 3 May - Eaton C.W.A Annual Morning Tea to raise funds for cancer. Starts at 9.30am. $10 per person. Please contact Dot Bill for more information.
  • 9 May - Meet behind Best n Less in Treendale for a walk around Treendale. Coffee at Muffin Break to follow.
  • 16 May - Dalyellup Lakes and Wetlands Walking Track. Turn right into Norton Promenade, off the highway, and left into Maidment Parade. BYO mug. Toilets available.
  • 23 May - Burekup walk. Meet opposite the hall. This is the annual Kathy and Alma Memorial Walk. All walkers are encouraged to wear something pink or bring along a pink themed morning treat. BYO mugs. Toilets available.
  • 30 May - Settlers Hall, Marine Drive, Leschenault. We will walk down Headland Place, following the Brunswick River track to the Forrest Highway bridge and back. Enclosed walking shoes required. BYO mugs.

June 2023 Dates:

  • 6 June - Meet at the Leschenault Leisure Centre for a Kingston walk. BYO mugs.
  • 13 June - Meet at Meadow Landing. From Raymond Road, turn right into Ranson Drive and right again at the roundabout into Warburton Street. Drive to the end of the street for parking. Coffee at Muffin Break Treendale after the walk.
  • 21 June - Meet by the Paris Road Bridge. We will enjoy a walk along the track following the Brunswick River to Galway Green and back. Enclosed walking shoes required. BYO mugs.
  • 28 June - Meet in the carpark by the church in Brunswick for a Beela Road and river walk. Enjoy a sweet treat at the Brunswick Bakery after the walk.

It is important that you are a registered walker with the Australian Heart Foundation. Walkers are advised to walk at their own pace and are encouraged to show care and consideration to other walkers.