Autumn 2024 Adult Sports Grand Finals

Autumn 2024 Adult Sports Grand Finals
19 June 2024

Congratulations to our winning teams and runners up.

In June 2024, the LLC hosted grand final matches for our Adult Sports Autumn competitions for Men's Basketball, Ladies Netball and Indoor Soccer.

The matches were a fantastic showcase of the fun and competitiveness of our Adult Sports competitions.

Congratulations to all teams who participated in the grand final matches:

Men's Basketball

A Grade

  • Winners: Old School
  • Runners Up: Log Choppers
  • Finals MVP: Callum Heap (Old School)

B Grade

  • Winners: Wildrats
  • Runners Up: Wizards
  • Finals MVP: Matt Wilson (Wildrats)

C Grade

  • Winners: Gronks
  • Runners Up: Beavers
  • Finals MVP: Tyler Wilson (Gronks)

Ladies Netball

A/B Grade

  • Winners: T n B's
  • Runners Up: Take Two
  • Finals MVP: Mackenzie Walker (T n B's)

C Grade

  • Winners: Bullets
  • Runners Up: No Idea
  • Finals MVP: Ali Edmunds (Bullets)

Indoor Soccer

A Grade

  • Winners: SSBD
  • Runners Up: Spray n Wipe
  • Finals MVP: Stas Yanchoglov (SSBD)

B Grade

  • Winners: Chug Juggers
  • Runners Up: Hexis
  • Finals MVP: Martin Frazer (Hexis)

Umpires and Officials

We would also like to thank all our umpires for helping throughout the 2024 Autumn season. Without our LLC umpires, our Adult Sports competitions would not be possible.

A special thanks to the following umpires of the grand final matches:

  • Men's Basketball - Kya, Tanatswa and Donna
  • Ladies Netball - Megan, Karyn, Julie, Rebekka, Danni and Bailey
  • Indoor Soccer - Matt and Stas